Columbia County Sheriff’s Office Fins and Pins Fish Fry


Fins and Pins 10th Annual Bowl-A-Thon & Fish Fry Hosted by the Columbia County Sheriff's Office to benefit the Florida Sheriffs Youth Ranches. Community Fish Fry at the Florida Gateway Fairgrounds Banquet Hall Come enjoy a great meal and fellowship with Sheriff Mark Hunter and help support the children of the Florida Sheriffs Boys Ranch.

Spring Job Fair – Career Source Florida

Exhibit Building B

Spring Job Fair!! Wednesday, April 28, 2021 from 10 am to 1 pm. Several employers will be present. Florida Gateway Fairgrounds - Exhibit Building B

Tough Enough to Wear Pink Golf Tournament

Quail Heights Country Club 161 SW Quail Heights Terrace, Lake City, United States

Florida Gateway Fairgrounds is proud to annouce the return of our annual Tough Enough to Wear Pink Golf Tournament. All proceeds from this tournament go directly to assisting people in our community who are fighting cancer. We invide you to come out and support this amazing cause that has helped so many people in our

Fort White FFA Auction


Dinner starts at 6:00pm - $5.00 Auction starts at 7:00pm

Gun Show


Redbelly Fishing Tournament – Tough Enough to Wear Pink

Sandy Point 29685 59th DR, Branfrod, United States

Join us for our first Tough Enough to Wear Pink Redbelly Tournament! For more information please see the event flyer and rules below: To register online:

Barrel Race


Barrel Race at the Florida Gateway Arena, June 25, 2021 at 8:00pm. Text pre-entry call-ins on Friday, June 25, 2021 from 9am to 11am to 386-365-1716. $30 Entry Fee $5 for Peewee Class, 100% Payback $5 Exhibitions or $20 Unlimited from 5:30pm to 7:30pm. $250 added

Independence Day Festival & Fireworks

Mark your calendars for our "Independence Day Festival & Fireworks" taking place on July 3rd from 5pm-9pm at the Florida Gateway Fairgrounds! VENDOR INFORMATION: Please contact the Lake City-Columbia County Chamber of Commerce for additional information.

Gun Show


Runnin for the Cash – Barrel Race


For more information visit Runnin' For the Ca$h Facebook Page here: